Cracking the Code: The Women of STEM Who Are Changing the Game

4 min readJul 14, 2023


by Zoë Woods

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

Throughout history, women have made major contributions to the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, yet their accomplishments have frequently gone unnoticed and are underrepresented in the media. Women continue to advance in STEM despite the obstacles they confront, dispelling myths and shattered glass ceilings. This article profiles a few trailblazing female STEM leaders who are redefining the field and motivating the subsequent generation of female leaders.

The first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace

The 1815-born Ada Lovelace is frequently considered as the pioneering computer programmer. She worked with Charles Babbage to construct the Analytical Engine, an early mechanical computer, and created the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine. Lovelace’s contributions helped create the concept of computer programming as a profession and laid the groundwork for contemporary computers.

The human computer, Katherine Johnson

Mathematician and compul sort ientist Katherine Johnson, who was born in 1918, worked for NASA. Johnson’s estimates were crucial to the success of the Apollo missions and the first manned space flights. She was a trailblazer for both women and African Americans in STEM and won multiple honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, for her work in the field.

The queen of software is Grace Hopper

Rear Admiral of the United States Navy and computer scientist Grace Hopper was born in 1906. The first compiler, a program that converts high-level programming languages into machine code, was created by her. In addition, COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language), created by Hopper, became one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Her contributions laid the groundwork for contemporary software development.

Mae Jemison was the first African American woman in space

The first African American woman to travel to space was Mae Jemison, who was born in 1956. As a mission specialist, she took off in 1992 on board the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Jemison has degrees in both medicine and engineering and is also a physician. She established the Jemison Group, a business dedicated to enhancing science and technology education.

Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green: Using Laser Technology to Fight Cancer

Physicist Dr. Hadivah-Nicole Green has created a laser-activated nanoparticle cancer therapy. Her therapy specifically targets cancer cells while sparing healthy cells, minimizing the negative side effects of conventional cancer therapies. Dr. Green is currently seeking to conduct human trials for this technology after being the first to effectively treat cancer in mice using it.

The women in this essay are just a small sample of the countless other women who have significantly impacted STEM. Their accomplishments demonstrate the value of diversity in STEM fields and serve as an inspiration for the subsequent generation of female leaders. These women are changing the game and paving the path for a more diverse and creative future in STEM by busting down barriers and dispelling prejudices.

Although women have long been underrepresented in the tech industry, this is beginning to change. As more and more women pursue careers in technology, they bring a fresh viewpoint that is advantageous to all. We’ll look at a few advantages of having women in tech in this article.

Variety of opinion

The variety of perspectives that women in technology bring to the table is one of the most important advantages. Women’s unique viewpoints and life experiences can help them come up with more creative solutions to issues than males do. Businesses are better equipped to comprehend and cater to a varied consumer base when diversity and inclusion are prioritized.

More Creativity Diverse teams are more creative than homogeneous teams according to studies. Women contribute a unique viewpoint to IT teams that can lead to the development of fresh concepts and methods. Women are frequently more inclusive and collaborative, which can result in more efficient decision- and problem-making.

Enhanced corporate culture

Potential employees and clients are more drawn to businesses with inclusive cultures. Women in technology can contribute to the development of an inclusive workplace environment that supports diversity of thought and fosters teamwork.

Prioritizing diversity and inclusion helps businesses maintain top people and gain a competitive edge.

Better results for business

Businesses frequently perform better when they prioritize diversity and inclusion in their workforce. Research has demonstrated that diverse teams are more creative, make better judgments, and perform financially better. Companies may access a larger talent pool and improve their chances of success by incorporating women in IT.


Everyone benefits of women in tech from having more women in the tech sector because they offer special views and skills to the field. Companies may enhance their financial performance, recruit top personnel, and foster a more inventive and inclusive culture by prioritizing diversity and inclusion. It’s time for the tech sector to acknowledge and apprint the advantages of having more women in tech.




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